Lauren Clasing

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We apologize for having to share this video content -- but the world needs to know and see how dogs are transported and sold within the meat trade. These video clips are from this year.

We are trying to save as many dogs as we can! Unfortunately, Yulin happens everyday in China.  To save these dogs and transport them to North America costs money. Money that we currently do not have. So we are reaching out to you for help.

Likes, thank you's, and prayers are encouraging! We do appreciate them. But this time -- we need more than that. We need donations of $25, $50 or $100. Anything you can spare. No donation is too small. The more money we can raise -- the more dogs we can save! It's as simple as that.

...and please, click on the "Become a Fundraiser" button and help us! Once you become part of our fundraising team, you can share your fundraising effort with friends, family, and followers.

It is maddening! In China dogs are boiled alive, beaten to death, burned to death -- all to increase the amount of adrenaline in their body so their meat tastes better. They eat Golden Retriever’s because they believe it brings them wisdom. They eat black labs (and black dogs) because they believe it keeps evil spirits away. They eat all kinds of dogs at the Yulin Dog Meat Festival on the summer solstice because they believe it keeps them cooler during the hot summer months.  The stories are terrible and endless.  The International Humane Society estimates that 10 to 20 million dogs are slaughtered every year in China.  And this is why we do what we do! To be a voice for the voiceless – and to save as many as we can!



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