Shangri-La Therapeutic Academy of Riding

Molly Rader

$0 Total Raised

$750 Goal

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Hi, my name is Molly and this is one of my bestest friends in the world...Bug!  I get to come ride Bug one day a week.  I started riding last fall, and it is now one of my most favorite things to do.  I ask to come see Bug just about every day!!  

My mommy was so excited for me to start riding as part of my therapy.  Honestly, mommy and daddy didn’t even think I would get near a horse, much less ride on one.  But guess what?  They were wrong!!  Bug made me feel so loved and confident right from the start.  I rode him on my very first trip to the barn!!  Mommy and daddy thought riding therapy would be great for my core strength...and it has been!!  What they didn’t expect was for this to help me learn to use my words!!!  I still have a long way to go, but since Bug and I have been working together, I’m now saying two and three word phrases!!  I also start talking up a storm when I get to see my friend Bug, and all of the fun and super-nice people who help me ride him...Miss Sanya, Miss Jane, Miss Brittany, and Mr. Robert.  STAR truly is a happy place for me.  Between you and me, I kinda walk around like I own the place now!!

Would you please help me say a BIG thank-you to my Bug and everyone at STAR by supporting our Cupid Cup team?  It takes lots of money to have an incredible facility and program like we have st STAR.  We are soooooo lucky to have a place where people like me can go and make friends like Bug.  It kinda makes my mommy tear up when she talks about it.  So please give any gift you can to help me show Bug some love!

Your little equestrian friend,

Miss Molly

The mission of STAR is to foster personal achievement by providing therapeutic experiences using horse related activities with persons with disabilities or other special challenges.

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